Having A Foot in Both Worlds, Now

By Rev. Amari Magdalena

Big Feet Elephant

It’s not a new phrase yet so applicable today. For many of us who are more spiritually inclined, politics represents a sticky-wicket. We want to continue to have faith in the better nature of humankind. The political climate we are in for this third national election, is one of chaos. We are again presented with the possibility of losing our democracy. For some metaphysicians, it means we must hold our spiritual practices above all else and perhaps turn a blind eye to the political chaos.

Having personally grown up in a very politically oriented family, I cannot put all of my attention solely towards the spiritual. I have felt for some time, perhaps 40 or more years, that we were moving towards authoritarian rule and fascism. In the same vein, I am aware that in history all empires have failed. It is, for me, sad to admit that I see us as an empire in that failing syndrome now.

Factions that are now trying to cover their, you know what’s, are suddenly sounding like socialists though that is for certain a mask. Their intent is to return our country to the 1950’s. Which means, prejudice against women and people of color reinstated.  No title this or that to protect these populations. A thinly veiled attempt to push religion and white supremacy to the fore and take back 75 years of progress.

That calls for more of us to remember the two worlds we are in-etheric and physical. If we are to leave our children and grandchildren a world of freedoms and protection from racism, we need to balance our feet. One can certainly live in the etheric working towards a massive ascension. The other needs to be really awake and participating in the preservation of our very fragile democracy.

Does that mean our democracy isn’t encumbered in many ways no. It means that we choose to advocate for the founders’ intentions. We need to make certain demands of the candidates. Term limits have been bandied around for years with no action. It is past time to implement them in all three branches of the gov’t.

Also, time to boot the lobbyists and outside influences out of their monetized influence. Time to have all branches held in compliance with a morals clause. Time to restore the teaching of civics as a high school graduation requirement. Restore a climate of civic involvement with town halls. Restrict and/or restore limits on campaign influences by monied parties.

It has become evident also that our so-called Supreme Court is not working well and is bought and paid for by political influences. When the constitution gave that court life-time tenures, people did not live very long.  That is now completely changed. Term limits need to be enforced to disallow one administration to ‘stack’ the court to support their agenda.

It is also time to hold our legislature responsible for failure to legislate. They are failing at the job they were elected to do in favor of political scores being righted. Ergo, we are paying for them to not do their work.

Additionally, as billions of dollars are pouring into the two-party system to sway voters, we are having more and more mental health issues and thefts. Our emphasis is indeed on the wrong syll-a-ble.

While it is very important to keep practicing our spiritual believes and espousing peace, joy, and harmony, it is equally imperative that we get engaged in this democratic process. We must not only vote but begin to demand that monied influences be removed from that process. Organizations like the N.R.A. and A.I.P.A.C have far too much influence in the outcomes of our elections.

In the 60’s many figuratively threw out the baby with the bath water. Time to restore a few things. Our society has become much less gracious, polite, caring, compassionate, and capable of compromise. Time to start contacting legislatures in all gov’ts and insisting on a restoration of decency. Ultimately, we need a clean sweep and a do-over to get us back on track so we are not under the shadow of doom and loss of the democracy. And, an important agenda item that the wealthy are no longer able to dominate our politics. They too put their pants on one leg at a time and evacuate the by-products of food in the very same say.

Keep up intentions and prayers, and get involved in saving this experiment we call democracy.

Bigfoot is here, no need to search the wilds.  It is the alien government we have accepted.

“Empires implode from within due to their own excesses.”-Gad Saad

“A nation is born stoic, and dies epicurean. At its cradle (to repeat a thoughtful adage) religion stands, and philosophy accompanies it to the grave.”Will Durant

Persuade your fellow citizens it’s a good idea and pass a law. That’s what democracy is all about. It’s not about nine superannuated judges who’ve been there too long, imposing these demands on society.” – Anthony Scalia

“The power system continues only as long as individuals try to get something for nothing. The day when a majority of individuals declares or acts as if it wants nothing from the government, declares that it will look after its own welfare and interests, then on that day the power elites are doomed.” -Anthony Sutton

“The greatest threat that a superhero foreign policy poses for American democracy comes not from the enormous debt it imposes or even the heightened threat of terrorism itself, but from the potential impact of another large-scale attack on U.S. soil on the rights and privacy of American citizens. It is not China or Russia or Iran or any other emerging power or rogue state that threatens our freedom. The only government on earth that can strip Americans of their civil liberties is headquartered in Washington, D.C.” -Ian Bremmer

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