Books by Amari

Awaken Your Inner Personas

Transform Your Life

by Amari Magdalena
In a world where outer relationships fracture and fail regularly, Amari presents practical tools for healing the most important inner relationship of self. Awaken Your Inner Personas builds a bridge between two Toltec Masteries-the Mastery of Awareness and the Mastery of Transformation. Expanding on ways in which unhealed parts of self-sabotage relationships, Ms. Magdalena takes the reader on a guided adventure through a series of activities designed to awaken qualities within that are often projected onto others as unrealistic relationship expectations. Wonderful life-long tools are provided to foster the health of each of four inner personas that govern happiness and contentment. These personas endow the reader with life-changing transformational actions. Learning to develop complimentary vs. compensatory relationships is an outgrowth of the healing benefits of Awaken Your Inner Personas.
“We are in a time in which the great forces that are now moving call us to clear and uplift ourselves in order to stay in tune with the awakening consciousness of our beautiful planet. Amari has done her homework with a powerful way of transformation and now offers it to you with exercises and practices to help you put the knowledge she shares into practice in your life. May you and All Our Relations be served!”
Brooke Medicine Eagle
Awaken Your Inner Personas
Available on Amazon

Blue Moons and Golden Suns

Meditations & Celebrations For Aligning With Natural Rhythms

by Amari Magdalena
n a world that has consciously chosen to live outside the natural rhythms of the planet it occupies, we its inhabitants are so very often stressed out. Blue Moons and Golden Suns is an engaging invitation to slow down and take time to align your energies with the natural rhythmic cycles of the Moon and Sun. It explores these periods of rising and waning energies from the standpoint of how they impact humans. Information about Zodiac signs is presented from each placement in the cycles of life. Beautiful meditation along with sample formats accompany the sun and moon celebrations. Blue Moons and Golden Suns provides insights and inspiration for leading a more peace-filled life as one aligns with Mother Earth’s natural rhythms.
“In this beautifully crafted book, Amari Magdalena invites us to step off the treadmill and bask in the light and energy of the Moon. She skillfully teaches how the time of each moon phase can move us into the void of possibilities, laying out the attributes of each zodiac sign as they relate to the phases of the moon. She offers beautiful meditations, allowing us to focus on our own experience as we integrate what we’ve learned into our heart and soul. This book is a body-mind experience, a good resource and guidebook, and is accessible to anyone, even if you’ve never studied the phases of the moon or the zodiac.”
Peg Hubbard
Blue Moons Golden Suns
Available on Amazon

Deep Peace in Minutes

Easy Meditations & Breathwork

by Amari Magdalena
For anyone who would like to meditate yet has time constraints, this book is a treasure. Experienced meditators looking for new perspectives will find added value. If you are stressed out from the pace of our technological and digitalized world, you’ll discover new places and techniques for breathing and relaxation. In this chaotic twenty-first century, Deep Peace in Minutes, will help you stop waiting to exhale and start taking baby steps to a more ambient world. Be still, breathe and relax to peace.
“This is a short, yet powerful book filled with wisdom! Readers are offered many techniques for meditation and relaxation. Herein, you will discover the very best styles of meditation to enhance your awareness. I found the wisdom of the ancestors in many of these time honored, simple suggestions. This guidebook offers you knowledge that Amari has lovingly collected over the years.”
L. John Mason, Ph.D.
Deep Peace in Minutes
Available on Amazon

El Mundo Bueno

Saving Humanity and our Glorious Planet

by Amari Magdalena
It is past time for humans to evolve in our consciousness and relationship to Earth. El Mundo Bueno explores a variety of topics worth considering if we are to save the human race from self-destruction. The Earth’s climate change wakeup call sends a clear message that time is running out for the salvation of our planet. Small steps by all of us makes a difference.
“Rev. Amari Magdalena’s history of being a healer and Shaman are demonstrated in this very up to date book. This is more than needed by our World as we see the end of 2020’s many challenges. It is a great reminder of our spiritual connections to the Divine and to Our Earth! The awareness of re-connecting to our natural world as a survival tool for Humanity is broken down very well in this book.”
Five Star Reader on Amazon
El Mundo Bueno: Saving Humanity and our Glorious Planet
Available on Amazon

Shaman Talk

A Nagual Woman’s Wisdom

by Amari Magdalena
Shaman Talk offers the best of Nagual Woman Blogs from 2011 to 2015. 53 essays reflect comments on life experiences, connections and experiences from the Urban Shaman’s Point of View. A 25-year shamanic practitioner, elder wisdom keeper, master healer, author and artist, Amari Magdalena shares her vast wisdom for finding greater inner peace.
“Amari Magdalena is an amazing Elder Wisdom Keeper! Her book Shaman Talk is a rich textured work of immense value to anyone of any culture wanting to learn practical Shamanism at its best. The essay titled ‘The Messianic Illusion,’ was particularly powerful for me. Thank you so much, Amari, for bringing such pertinent material to us all.”
Wenty Hill
Shaman Talk
Available on Amazon

Shaman Talk II

A Wisdom Keeper Speaks

by Amari Magdalena
53 more essays on topics relevant to living in a time of chaos, uncertainty, technological advances, environmental deterioration, and spiritual evolution. Do you miss having meaningful conversations with someone on things that affect your everyday living? Wish you had a spiritual advisor or old wise sage at hand? Shaman II offers even more wisdom on a wide range of topics with provocative thoughts about living spiritually in a modern urban word from the shamanic perspective. Answers your inner question, “Can we talk?”
“Shaman Talk II explores an amazing range of relevant topics that affect most of us each and every day with insight, humor, inspiration, and suggestions. A vast body of highly readable work.”
Anonymous Reader on Amazon
Shaman Talk II
Available on Amazon

The Medicine Wheel for Peace

Inner and Outer Cosmology

by Amari Magdalena
Indigenous people lived within the sacred wheel of life. Their understanding of All That Is included all sentient beings on the earth. Movement through the planetary seasons and cycles provided understanding of rising and falling periods. Reverence for all live forms lead to inclusion and brotherhoods vs. exclusion and hierarchies. Capturing an understanding of their way of life can provide guidance for the times we live in and lead to deepening peace and contentment.
“The Medicine Wheel for Peace is a delightful read, an informational collection along a seeker’s path. Amari Magdalena’s ceremonial wisdom guides the reader through the four directions, seasons, moon cycles, and multiple wisdom traditions. The book directs searchers on a journey into self-reflection and personal growth as we maneuver through life.”
Tu Bears
Tu Bears, Artist, Poet, Everyday Oracle, and Author of INFINITE FOOTPRINTS
The Medicine Wheel for Peace: Inner and Outer Cosmology
Available on Amazon

Unbecoming Me

The Ultimate Shapeshifter’s Journey

by Amari Magdalena
Unbecoming Me: The Ultimate Shapeshifter’s Journey If you are ready to consciously opt out of old paradigm egoic states and transform into a more heart-centered, essential being, you will find that this reading offers a valuable perspective and prescription for change. Using the shamanic tool of shapeshifting, this book explores methods for lifting the veils of illusion and ascending to higher states of consciousness. Meditations are included along with exercises in each chapter to help facilitate a consciousness shift for the reader. Unbecoming Me: The Ultimate Shapeshifter’s Journey focuses on the greater marriage and unification of human personas with true core Essence. Living a life that is Soul-Sourced is the Raison d’être of this book helping readers move towards the perfection of the Mastery of Essence over Ego.
“Shamanic practitioner Amari Magdalena gives us a special gift with Unbecoming Me as she weaves her copious knowledge and skills into a practical guide to discover inner peace. Magdalena shows how we can apply our inner talents as shapeshifters to overcome fear and six other veils of illusion that hold us back from becoming all that we can be. Join her as she unfolds the secrets to being part of the new dimension of consciousness that has arisen since the misunderstood end-time prophesies of December 21, 2012.”
Dr. Donald A. Carpenter
Unbecoming Me: The Ultimate Shapeshifters Journey
Available on Amazon

We Dance to a Whispered Voice

A Shamanic Awakening

by Amari Magdalena
Amari Magdalena shares here voyage of magic and transformation from the phantasmagorical New Mexico life-changing experiences to the foundation of the Institute for Shamanic Synthesis and more. Travel with her through strange and interesting experiences that lead to a lifelong commitment to practicing and sharing earth-based spirituality nationally and internationally.
“This is a wonderful 25-year passionate spiritual journey filled with Mystical people, magical places, and delightful adventures. Amari is An artful writer whose words fill the mind with wonder and longing to go deeper.”
Joyce Glick
Professional Coach and Facilitator for Resource Academy Conference where I was a presenter
We Dance to a Whispered Voice
Available on Amazon