Gathering Ceremony

Peace Gathering



Calling in the Directions

Ringing of the Bell

Calling in Grandfather Eagle

Earth Poem or Song


Healing Basket & Healing Circle

Closing Circle w/ Holding Hands


Spirits of the East, the Ascended Masters, beginnings, the quality of Illumination we invoke your presence tonight and invite you to grant us new knowledge and understanding of ourselves and others on our journey here. May the rivers and oceans of your direction representing Water bring crystallin clarity to our mission of Peace and Earth healing. May our Crown Chakra’s open magnificently as the unfolding lotus to allow us more and more light and illumination. May we be reminded each day as your Sun rises of the tireless efforts of the Universe to support and nurture us. Eagle teach us to lighten ourselves that we may soar to greater heights.


Spirits of the West, the Setting Sun, Going Within, the quality of Illusion we invite you to rest with us. May the mountains of your direction representing Earth stand in power to shield us as we set aside the material world and direct our attentions to silence. May our Throat Chakra’s be granted the ability to open that we may more easily speak our truths. May we choose today and each day this coming week to release that which is no longer needed. Bear, honor our silent prayers tonight with your soft insulation that we may feel protected.


Spirits of the North, the Wisdom Keepers, our Ancestors, the quality of Introspection we invite you to sit with us. May the breezes of your direction representing Air blow gently on this gathering as we direct our attention to creating peace. May our Ajna Center’s (3rd eye) be granted the vision of a world without conflict, a world in which cooperation is expressed through harmony; and purity within and without is manifest. May our powers of listening be heightened that we may hear and honor the ancient ways. White Buffalo, honor our meditation tonight with a re-vision of the possibility of peace.


Spirits of the South, keepers of our Inner Child, the quality of Innocence we invite you to fill us with wonder and sprinkle bits of joy over our gathering. May the heat of your direction representing Fire warm and soothe us as we free ourselves of judgement and open our perceptions to the wondrous possibilities that this Earth Walk affords us. May our Seats of Will (our Solar Plexus) experience a healing that allows us to grow and take those actions which will create Peace on Earth. May our songs and prayers tonight reverberate across the oceans and carry our intentions to all the corners of the Planet. Coyote, help us to laugh at our personal follies and those of our hoop of family.


Father Sky above, provider of the sun, moon & stars that remind us of our origins, shine your light on this gathering tonight that we may be illumined. Under the influence of the approaching Autumnal Equinox and New Moon, may we shed light on all areas in our lives that could use more peace, more light, more joy. Honor our tribute to you. Bless us with peace.


Mother Earth below us, provider of all that sustains and nourishes our Earth Walk we ask that you provide a strong foundation and that you forgive us our unconscious acts of harm upon you. Honor our growing awareness of our responsibility to you. Bless us with seasons to grow by and understanding of your needs.


We call on our inner selves tonight to move us in the direction of peace. As we place our hands on our hearts, let us feel the warmth and support that our inner selves always offers. Let us recognize the goodness and wholeness within that is our given right and claim it! We ask that our journey toward more peace within, spill out and overtake our exteriors, that we ARE peace.

And, so it is!


Spirits of the East, we have come full circle and thank you for granting us your presence and support this evening. May a symbolic pipe of Peace be partaken by each person present that the Union of Mother Earth and Father Sky melts our boundaries and envelopes us in Oneness.

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