Communion for the New World

The origins of communion rest in ancient traditions that predated Christianity.  If we were to dissect the tradition we might discover that it more simply experienced as a tribal sharing of food and drink with an intention to recognize the body and blood as more than merely corporal aspects of a being.  The very celebration acknowledged the sanctity of this vehicle that we travel in on this plane as holy; the very blood that runs through our veins as sacred.  Through alchemy the ceremony was directed to manipulating the energies of the bread (body) and wine (blood) to feed the soul.

As we who are dedicated to reversing the trend of chaos and destruction on the planet to make way for a re-birth and the virtual creation of what has been deemed the “New Jerusalem” or “Shining City” we come together in community to support one another in manifesting that new Earth through Conscious Evolution.  Ceremony and ritual lend powerful force to the Intention for creation of that new world.

In the communal ringing of the bell of creation, calling in the Cardinal Directions to encompass all corners of the earth, and sharing bread and wine we are gifted a sacred feast to ingest, digest and energetically infuse our efforts and intention for change.

A ceremony of communion may unfold as follows.  We begin in circle with ringing of a Tibetan (7 Metal Chakra Balancing) bell which is passed to each individual to continue the ring until it reaches the starting point and the bell’s sound is then magnified by running a wooden dowel around its rim to increase the vibration and reverberation.

Next, practice of the Heart Lock technique is undertaken and lead by one member of the group. One person then moves from one member of the circle to the next placing their hand over the heart of another until they feel the rhythms of the hearts move into sync.

Each person in the circle is then asked to state an intention for the circle—one or two words spoken from the heart.

The host of the celebration then offers each person a piece of bread and asks the circle to say,

“I hold this bread in my hands with an intention to convert its energy into sacred food with which to feed my soul.  As I eat this bread, I am reminded of the sacredness of my corporal body as shelter for my eternal being and bless it.  May this bread be received by my body as a sacred feast of manna from heaven.  May we also be fed as a community dedicated to fostering the Spiritual Evolution of the planet.  We are grateful for all of the goodness that we receive.”

Each circle attendee is then offered a glass of wine or grape juice.  The circle is then asked to say,

“I hold this wine in my hands with an intention to convert its energy into the sacred blood that flows through my veins.  As I drink this wine, I am reminded of the sacredness of my blood as the life force that supports and nourishes the very existence of my bodies-corporal and sacred.  I bless this wine as I bless the blood flowing effortlessly through the rivers of my life at this very moment.  May this wine be received by my blood as nourishment and enrichment.  May we also be gifted a sacred flow of energy in our community of Spiritual Evolution.  We are thankful for all of the blood building nutrients in this sacred substance.”

The ceremony is closed with a sacred declaration of intention for Good.

“We declare our oneness with all of life and intention to devote ourselves to the service and preservation of humankind.  We welcome the Birth of the New Earth and pledge our support and energies, each in our own way, to quickening the progress toward conscious evolution.  We in community are re-birthed into higher consciousness by these words and our Intention.  We welcome the new and support one another, our families, our community and Universal Good!”

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