Shamanic Shields: Keys to Wholeness

Between the Tonal and Nagual Axis lie four different powers–energy centers called shields. Like shields of the warrior, these energies help us survive the material world through integration of the lessons of the four cardinal directions. Awareness of their presence in everyday life provide tools for resolution of life’s challenging issues (especially relationships). The Tonal Shields direct our material path. Nagual Shields, on the other hand, gift us the extraordinary to transform our material world. Balancing and accessing the support of these four shields presents a powerful model for achieving wholeness and self-love. This healing leads to the natural marriage of our masculine and feminine; enabling us to create desirable whole-being relationships. An evocative, highly participatory workshop that utilizes hands-on exercises, journeying, modeling and ritual as keys to unlocking the power of the four auric shields. Authentic shamanic medicine at its best for urban dwellers who are ready to heal themselves, thus their world!

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