The 3 Toltec Wisdom Masteries

Toltec mysticism holds that we have three masteries to living fully, completely, happily and usefully in this world.  The first is the Mastery of Awareness—Learning who and what we really are.  The Second us the Mastery of Transformation. Connecting with the energy of our bodies through movements, mudras, chakra energizing and balancing, psychometry etc. The Third is the Mastery of Intent. Aligning One’s Destiny with Overall Destiny of Life Energy

This class explores how to make the Toltec masteries come alive in everyday life. Through a series of evocative exercises, class participation and listening to a radio interview with Don Miguel Ruiz you will become aware of how to redirect your attention. This course helps you explore your beliefs, discuss new possibilities in communication and understanding, experience new dynamic ways to quiet the inner mitote (fog) and powerfully seize the reins of your life thus consciously choosing each day to create Heaven on Earth!

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