Ritual of Self-Blessing

Close your eyes and relax with three breaths: one to release physical, one to let go of emotional strings, one to quiet mental voices and the ego.

In your mind’s eye, find a place in nature that you have been to or seen that you feel totally at ease in. Look around you and drink all of its sights, sounds, smells. Feel the elements surrounding you and supporting you: The Sun-representing Fire; The Wind-presenting Air; The Ground Below You-representing Earth; The Waterfall or Brook nearby-representing Water. Take time to reflect on each element and consider how that element relates to you and to your life, right now.

Consider the gifts of Fire-Spiritual

Consider the gifts of Air-Mental

Consider the gifts of Earth-Material

and lastly, Consider the gifts of Water-Emotional

Now imagine that the nearby water is clean enough and pure enough to put on your body. Stand facing the sun and scoop a small amount of water in one hand. Reach down and pick up a small amount of earth in your other hand. Blend the earth with the water in your hand and then gently blow the breath of life on your palm.

Now dip your finger in the mixture and touch your forehead saying:

“I am blessed. I am a child of the Divine Spirit of Creation.”

Dip your finger in again and touch the area around your eyes and say:

“May my eyes be blessed with the vision of divinity.”

Touch your nose and say:

“May my nose be blessed with the breath of essence.”

Touch your mouth with the mixture and say:

“May my mouth speak divine truths.”

Touch your heart and say:

“May my heart be blessed with feelings of unconditional love for myself and other.”

Touch your abdomen and say:

“May my center of will and intent be blessed with harmonic creation.”

Touch your feet and say:

“May I walk in balance and peace and in beauty.”

Now in your mind’s eye dip both hands into the water rubbing them together with any earth that you can touch and blowing the divine breath upon them say:

“May my hands be blessed that I may share my gifts and healing with all creation.”

Stand for a time facing the sun and visualize healing light of golden-pink flowing into you and being absorbed by every cell of your being. Feel a well of strength and well-being surging through you. Breathe deeply and completely capture the feelings and the moment. Connect with the source of strength and healing represented by each of the four elements.

When you are through, pause in each of the 4 cardinal directions giving thanks to the elements and the spirits and slowly return your consciousness back to this room and when you are ready, open your eyes.

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