Business Opening Blessing Ceremony

Each person present is smudged with copal incense, which cleanses and blesses people, places and things. In the tradition of the Azteca and Mayan cultures, copal is used for blessing and sacred ceremonies. Chuie and Brenda are cleansed with holy water and anointed with oils to bless their work together. Incense is burned in each of the four “Cardinal” directions in the following order: East-tobacco; West-cedar; North-sweetgrass; and South-sage. Corn pollen is offered to each corner of the room as a tribute. Rose petals are offered to the periphery of the ceremonial circle to enclose participants in Divine presence.

All participants turn and face each direction as instructed. In each direction each person will send out a thought for prosperity and manifestation as the direction is called in.

Calling in The Directions:


Spirits of the East, Creativity Illuminators, we call you into this circle on this special day to bless Chuie’s new store with new beginnings. We ask for clarity, wisdom and illumination with which to see all the possibilities for creation of more fun, more bliss, more play, and more productivity. We give thanks today for the opportunity to begin anew and to see new perspectives. Grandfather Eagle, may your soaring flight remind Chuie and Brenda and all of the artists to always seek the greater view as they work together each day. May they be reminded to lift their gaze and attentions to Highest Good as they work in consort creating magic for their patrons. Air, gift Chuie’s lightness and detachment. We offer tobacco in the direction of East to pay tribute to the Eastern Gateway guardians and guides who will each day serve Chuie’s. May joy reside here. And so it is.


Spirits of the West, Sacred Dream Initiators, we call you into this circle on this special day to bless Chuie’s new store with completions. We ask for experience, introspection and strength with which to see each goal through to fruition and all collaborations towards a beneficial completion for all involved. We give thanks today for the opportunity to recognize and celebrate completions and acknowledge life’s harvests. Dragonfly, may your gossamer wings remind Chuie and Brenda and all of the artists displayed to be light in their dealings with themselves and patrons. May you gift them the ability to move with grace through the veils of illusion that they may know and honor each other’s truths. Grant them the gift of understanding the lessons that are presented to them that they make choose always for collective highest good. Water, gift Chuie’s smooth emotional sailing and life-giving sustenance. We offer cedar in the direction of West to pay tribute to the Western Gateway guardians and guides who will each day serve Chuie’s. May intuition reside here. And so it is.


Spirits of the North, Wisdom Connectors, we call you into this circle on this special day to bless Chuie’s new store with knowing. We ask for cleansing, purity of insight and renewal of body, mind and spirit with which to express cooperation and harmony. We give thanks today for the connection with ancient wisdom’s and ancestral guides who act as helpers along our paths. Bear, may your soft insulation and introspection remind Chuie and Brenda and all of the artists displayed of the wisdom of pausing to seek guidance before moving forward. May they be reminded that harmonious symphonies are those most treasured and act in melodious concert in all their endeavors. Earth, grant Chuie’s stability and statuary like the sacred mountains above them. We offer sweetgrass in the direction of North to pay tribute to the Northern Gateway guardians and guides who will each day serve Chuie’s. May the sweetness of life abide here. And so it is.


Spirits of the South, Faith Protectors, we call you into this circle on this special day to bless Chuie’s new store with wonder. We ask for growth, trust and love with which to appreciate and pay tribute to one another and the patrons served. We give thanks today for the qualities of joy and enthusiasm that launch this new store. Porcupine, may your sweet innocence and appropriate use of boundaries set an example for Chuie, Brenda and all of the artists of ways to best meet and greet the inner child of all who enter here. May they be reminded of all the wondrous possibilities that this Earth Walk offers them. Fire, gift Chuie’s transformation that they may take those actions which most contribute to inner peace and outer happiness. We offer sage in the direction of the South to pay tribute to the Southern Gateway guardians and guides who will each day serve Chuie’s. May laughter and love be partners here. And so it is.


Father sky above, provider of the sun, moon, stars and rainbows of promise, exemplar of the Divine Masculine, shine your light on this endeavor and the principals and artists involved. Under the influence of each phase of the moon, may all material that contributes to common good be gathered here. May you shed light on all areas of the lives of Chuie, Brenda and the artists wherein they can individually and collectively create more peace, more light, more joy. Honor our tribute to you. Bless us with upliftment.


Mother below, provider of all that sustains and nourishes our Earth Walk, exemplar of the Divine Feminine, provide a strong foundation to this business, these people, this new shop. Help each of us to connect more and more each day with All That Is: the animals, plants, minerals, humans of all persuasions, the devic and angelic kingdoms and our elemental guides. Honor our growing awareness of our responsibility to you. Make Chuie, Brenda and the artists herein Earth stewards and champions of the Walk of Beauty. Bless us with seasons to grow by and understanding of your needs.


Spirit within we call on our inner selves today to move us in the direction of peace. As we place your hands on our hearts, let us feel the warmth and support that our inner selves always offer. Let us recognize the goodness and wholeness within that is our given right and claim it. Allow Chuie, Brenda and the artists to each grow in their capacity to unconditionally love, accept, understand and forgive themselves that they may gift love to one another. Bless our journey with more and more peace that we have the vision to see that we ARE spiritual beings having a material experience of the highest order.


Spirits of the East, we have come full circle and thank you for granting us your presence and support today. We thank the guardians and guides of the East, West, North and South who will serve this company for joining us. We thank all who would support this venture for their contribution to success and happiness. May a symbolic pipe of Peace be partaken by each person present that the Union of Mother Earth and Father Sky melt our boundaries and envelope us in Oneness.



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