Water Ritual for Child Blessing

Baptismal Ceremony

We have come here today for the purpose of baptizing ______________ in the presence of Father/Mother God and the witnesses here today. Remember always, ______________that you are a child of God and as such a child of Light.

Let us close our eyes for a moment of prayer to acknowledge Father/Mother God as Presence, Power, and Energy gifting us Life, Love and Joy.

“Father/Mother God, we offer thanks for the gift of your loving presence within us and surrounding us. We know that it is in you that we live, move and have our being. For this truth, and our growing awareness of this truth we are grateful.”

And so, it is.

The ritual of Baptism is an ancient one predating even earliest Christian practices. It was referred as the “Water Ritual” by peoples of the land since time out of mind. It is practiced today in many forms with meanings that best represent the practitioners. Yet underneath differences in form lies a common foundation—an abiding sense that we are more than simply physical beings. We are spiritual in nature.

In Mark 10:13-16, it is written

“And they were bringing children to him, that he might touch them; and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he said to them, ‘let the children come to me, do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands upon them.”

Each of us is a miracle and a supreme gift. It is through the ritual of baptism that we acknowledge the essence in which we are created. As blessed water touches your eyes, hears, nose, mouth, tongue, palms and head, you are asked to see the beauty that surrounds you, hear the beauty of your own song, smell the richness that is this Earth, taste the sweetness of life, touch with reverence all of God’s creation and direct your consciousness to Higher Mind.

______________ you are a gift from Father/Mother God. You are an aspect of the Divine with your own unique talents and gifts to share. Remember who you are. Child of Light, I bless you.

[Holy Water is passed over eyes, ears, nose, mouth, tongue and palms of both hands. Then it is poured over the top of the head. A Crystal is dipped into the water and passed over the head13 times for balance).

May your life be blessed in many ways. May you always seek to stand in the Light. May you seek and find your own peace within and without. May you be surrounded by Love. May your thoughts be directed to Spirit daily. May your life dance on this Earth be one of harmony. And, may you Walk in Beauty all of your days.

In beauty may you walk.
All day long may you walk.
Through the returning seasons may you walk.
Beautifully will you possess again.
Beautifully joyful birds…
On the trail marked with pollen may you walk.
With grasshoppers about my feet may you walk.
With dew about my feet may you walk.
With beauty may you walk.
With beauty before may you walk.
With beauty behind may you walk.
With beauty above may you walk.
With beauty all around may you walk.
In old age, wandering on a trail of beauty,
lively may you walk.
In old age, wandering on a trail of beauty,
living again, may you walk.
It is finished in beauty.
It is finished in beauty.

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